Right Capital
-Create a system that’s easy to implement with clear, succinct rules-based guidelines.
-Craft the brand in an approachable, clear way.
-Don’t overcomplicate or over-engineer.
This idea of the blueprint seemed so obvious to me from the start of this project. A blueprint is a guide for making something. The literal meaning of a blueprint is a paper — which is blue — with plans for a building printed on it, but for Right Capital I thought it was a simple way to solve the problems and how they wanted the brand to be expressed.
Brand System
Visual Design
Brand Animaiton
Project Type
Brand Identity
Emotive Brand
Project Year
Project Year
RightCapital helps advisors create the blueprints from which their clients’ financial futures can come to life. We’re experts at precise planning, explaining complex topics with clarity, and bringing rigor to every moment. Our blueprints enable our advisors — and their clients — to create detailed plans with the big picture in mind. Both foundational and exacting, this direction represents how RightCapital makes it real.